Congratulations to our Sibano Karamel Kisses of Cartier Siberians! 3rd Best Kitten in the TICA Great Lakes Friends of Felines Cat Show in St. Francis, Wisconsin November 7th & 8th, 2009. A special thank you to Kris Hirst and her daughter of Sibano Siberian Cats & Kittens for taking Karamel Kisses to the show.
Karamel Kisses is daughter of RW SGC Sibano KitKat Snap.
May 19, 2010
We had high hopes for Karamel Kisses and sometimes things just don’t go as planned. Karamel Kisses did so well in her first Kitten class show in Great Lakes that we had scheduled four more shows for her to enter; however, the second show just didn’t work out for us time wise and the next we went all the way to Louisville, Kentucky to pick her up from Sibano (who showed her for us at Great Lakes) thru West Virginia all the way to Jamestown, North Carolina only for KK (Karamel Kisses) to not feel up to showing. So, we made the decision not to show her any more in the kitten class. Despite only showing in one show as a kitten she did so well in that one show she is ranked 26th Best Siberian Kitten in TICA for the 2009 year. Wow! Sure wish we would of made those other four shows!